{% include "@KunstmaanAdmin/Default/_ckeditor_configs.html.twig" %}
CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/bundles/kunstmaanadmin/default-theme/ckeditor/';
MORE_BUTTON_LABEL = '{{ 'kuma_js.auto_collapse.more_button_label' | trans | e('js') }}';
{# Dynamically load the scripts, and only add the Polyfills when they are necessary #}
{# scripts without polyfills #}
var scripts = [
'{{ asset('bundles/kunstmaanadmin/js/admin-bundle.min.js') }}',
'{{ asset('bundles/kunstmaanadmin/js/admin-bundle.next.js') }}',
{%- block extra_async_javascripts %}{% endblock -%}
{%- set jsPath = 'frontend/js/admin-bundle-extra.js' -%}
{% if file_exists(jsPath) %}'{{ asset('/' ~ jsPath) }}'{% endif %}
if (!('fetch' in window &&
'Promise' in window &&
'assign' in Object &&
'keys' in Object
)) {
scripts.unshift('{{ asset('bundles/kunstmaanadmin/js/admin-bundle-polyfills.js') }}');
scripts.forEach(function(src) {
var scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
scriptEl.src = src;
scriptEl.async = false;
{% include "@KunstmaanAdmin/Default/_js_footer_extra.html.twig" %}